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Glass recycling


“It takes approximately 1 million years for a glass bottle to break down at the landfill.”

Georgia Recycling Coalition

“Recycling helps to significantly reduce the greenhouse gas pollution driving climate change.”

Glass can be endlessly recycled.

The benefits of keeping glass out of the trash and in the recycling stream. It supports the economy with materials to make new glass jars, bottles, and other products.


Recycled glass broken down into “sand” may support eco-friendly projects like coastline restoration. It also aides disaster relief from hurricanes and flooding.

Sustainable material.

Rcycled glass is a sustainable material produced for building construction like fiberglass, countertops, windows, and floors. It is also used as an aggregate for asphalt roads.

Conserves energy.

Recycling existing glass products, cuts the energy required to produce new glass by 30%. Glass is recycled by crushing it into tiny particles, called cullet. Then it is processed to make new glass product. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, energy saved from recycling one glass bottle is enough to operate a 100-watt light bulb for four hours.